Saturday, 2 August 2014

New Experiences: Windsurfing

On the cold 28th June 2014, many Scouts went windsurfing at Scaling Dam near Whitby. The day was split into 2 sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I went in the afternoon with Tom, Oliver H, Abigail, Eva and Lucy. 
   When everyone had arrived, eventually, our coach gave us a wet suit each and told us to go and get changed into them. Oliver took the longest to put his wet suit on because he managed to get it on but when he had zipped it up at the back, he only then realised that it was the wrong way round! When Oliver had done, about 30 minutes longer than everyone else, we waddled down like penguins to where the boats were. 

The coach showed us how to get on and how to get moving and before we knew it, we were on the water. The parents all the while taking embarrassing photos of us trying to get moving and instead falling off. 

When we all got the hang of it, the coach let us go further out. Most of us got a long way out before falling out and not been able to get back to shore. By this time, we were all cold and tired so the coach let us a 10 minute break.   He made us all a warm ribena to make us warmer. 
    Everyone finished theirs and got back on the water. By this time, the boys all went in to have a really warm shower while the girls and the instructor went all the way to the other side of the Dam. The boys were still having a shower even when the girls got back! Everyone had thoroughly enjoyed themselves and went home with a big smile on their faces! :D

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