Clowning Around.
On the 25th
of February we had a visit from Marko’s Circus and Mark the clown. We got
benches out and we watched him use everything from Diablo to 4 wheeled unicycle
(4 wheeled are to train people for the 1 wheeled) to miming and spinning plates.
Other things were flower sticks, club juggling and scarf juggling which is a
lot easier than club juggling. After wards we got told to grab a scarf/
handkerchief (which are specially made for this and don’t look like scarf’s by
the way more like just a square of fabric) Mark then asked us to throw it in
the air but not catch it like in normal juggling more to grab it out of there
air since they float down. Then we had to throw it and spin 360 and then catch
it and at one point we had to throw the scarf and catch it on our feet.
After we had
a go with the flower sticks, we had to roll the baton down the stocks and then
all the way down our arms so it stopped at out shoulders, then we had to pass
the sticks back to our partner. They had
to lift the baton over our heads and then roll it down their arms. We would run behind them get the sticks and
do it again.
After we had
some time to play around with everything else and practise them and have a good
time like everything else scouts do. Everyone had a great time, it was really
fun. One of our scouts Robert said “it
was really good”. Soon we will be going
to a real circus to see the professionals in action.
Wolf Patrol