Thursday, 26 March 2015

Trees for the future

North Yorkshire Moors Week 6
Tree Planting
We first had a ride in the mini bus to an open field and then walked to a section of the River Esk.
The Pearl Mussel Project is designed to stop the banks of the river slipping into the water. When this happens this pollutes the river harming the wild life.
Our task was to plant 48 Oak and Hazel trees along the river bank to stop this happening.
We were given the correct tools and told how to use them safely.

First we put the posts into the ground and cut a square of turf out. We dug the hole deep enough for the roots. The tree was planted and the soil put back in the hole pushed down. The turf was replaced making sure it was placed upside down. Next the protective tube was placed over the tree to protect it from wildlife until it is established. We repeated this until all the trees were planted.

By Ben,
Stag Patrol

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

North Yorkshire Moors Week 5

Snow Day in the Moors
When we got to Sutton Bank we were handed our tools and gloves and set off, we walked in the snow for a while when we got near the 'finest view in England' the view truly was amazing.  
We then turned right and carried on walking when we got there we got told about what we were doing, we had to cut off the branches that would potentially hit walkers and people riding on horses we had a pair of loppers each also a pocket saw each.  In the bag of tools there was a few bigger saws and something like a pair of loppers mounted on a pole to use it you had to pull a string when holding the loppers up to a high branch which closed the blades, cutting the branch the other thing in the bag was a saw mounted on a pole also we used these to cut high branches that would potentially hit the horse or the person riding it.

I helped cut down a particularly large branch that would block a rider it was hard but the work was also fun, when you got cold you had hot chocolate and set back off to work.  When we had finished we had a group photo and started to walk back to the visitor centre.
We had lunch in the building then set off to the wood's to build dens. We had a certain amount of time to build a den I was with, Luke, Matthew and Owen we built our den by leaning a stick on a tree and leaning sticks against that, which we then put moss and other coverings on it to protect it. We tested the other dens by throwing snowballs at them.
I had lots of fun that day.
By Josh

Patrol  Leader, Cobra Patrol

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Space Centre Sleepover

The last camp was at the National Space Museum apart from the long drive I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it to friends and family.
The two best things about the trip was going into the planetarium to watch the show about the astronauts and also watching Henry and Jack dress up as aliens (that was so funny). 

When we first arrived at the space museum we got a tour which was interesting because it was so empty, I’m used to little kids running around and bumping into you but no it was almost like everyone had disappeared into outer space!
Then we all went into the planetarium and watched what the sky looked like that night. We got to see all of the stars and shapes they created together!
After a long journey we then got to eat our packed teas, by then everyone was REALLY hungry so it was a good job that we ate something soon otherwise we would have all gone wild…
After that we split up into different groups and did some activities around the museum such as: team work games, rocket building, exploring round the museum and much more excitable things! 

As there were beavers, cubs and scouts, most of us were younger so that meant an earlier bedtime (I think it was the right time to go to bed anyway as everyone was really tired), we got to sleep in the museum next to one of the exhibitions on the floor, but it took about half an hour for everyone to dose off. 

In the morning we all got up and packed our sleeping bags and other things away so we didn’t have to hassle later.
Then we headed back down to the dining area and we all got our own little breakfast bags witch contained: a chocolate muffin, yoghurt, a juice carton and a bag of sliced apple (they were very yummy).
Then as a final activity we went back into the planetarium and watched a film which was amazing! It was all about the inside of an astronaut’s body before and after lift-off and how going into space often can affect you and your life!
As I said I loved this camp and thought it was jam packed with lots of different and fun activities and I would definitely go again!
By Ellie,
Jaguar Patrol.