Monday, 21 July 2014

Scouts Summer Term - The Video

A little look back at the summer term for our scout troop. Learning new skills, trying new adventures and just having some fun!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Beaver Scouts Swimming Up Ceremony

8 Beaver Scouts move up to Cubs in September which means the swimming up ceremony for the summer was going to be wet!  Well done Faramir for showing the Beavers how it's done. 

  I think Treebeard needs to watch out at summer camp....

Friday, 11 July 2014

Let Us Entertain You!

A few weeks ago our cubs became writers and producers of their own plays.  Armed with pens, wooden spoons (to create the actors / puppets) and barrel loads of enthusiasm they set about the task with gusto.

The plays were written, the puppets created and the plays performed.

Well done guys you earned your Entertainer Badge.